Treatments - Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy...

The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician ... Adding Quality to Live

Advanced Medical Rehabilitation Group
Gary DiBlasio, M.D., P.A.
701 Northlake Boulevard North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Suite 208

1807 South Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994

Voice: (561) 863-2828 ● Fax: (561) 863-2914

Dedicated to the state-of-the-art non-invasive medical treatment of spine and pain disorders.

Physiotherapy (also known as physical therapy) is a health profession concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and disability through physical means. It is based upon principles of medical science, and is generally held to be within the sphere of conventional (rather than alternative) medicine.

Common Treatments:

  • ultra sound: Ultrasonography is widely utilized in medicine.  It is possible to perform diagnosis or therapeutic procedures with the guidance of ultrasonography (for instance biopsies or drainage of fluid collections). Typically uses a hand-held probe (often called a scan head) that is placed directly on and moved over the patient: a water-based gel ensures good coupling between the patient and scan head.
  • hydrocollator packs:

                Hot - increases blood supply to affected areas - provides a mild analgesic effect - reduces swelling and inflammation

               Cold - numbs nerve sensitivity - reduces pain and helps relieve muscle spasms - reduces swelling and inflammation


  • cryotherapy: also called cryosurgery, cryoablation or targeted cryoablation therapy, refers to the application of extreme cold to destroy diseased tissue, including cancer cells.
  • electrical stimulation:
  • LED treatments: Therapeutic light is applied in a more intense manner than that which is ambient in the environment, with more precise selection of color (wavelength) that is supportive of the individual condition. A well-designed LED light therapy device is, therefore, a step between generalized bathing of the body in diffuse light and the coherent beam of a laser.
  • phonophoresis:

    Research shows that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are commonly used to treat arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, and other painful conditions, are effective and have fewer side effects when they are properly formulated as a transdermal gel and applied topically over the affected area. This specialized medication is then ‘driven’ into the painful region by applying ultrasound waves. This ’process’ is called - Phonophoresis. Clinical findings demonstrate that this approach effectively delivers the treatment medication directly to the site of discomfort and dysfunction. By treating the pain at its trigger point or site of origin, relief and recovery can be facilitated without side effects!

  • iontophoresis: A transdermal delivery system in which a substance bearing a charge is propelled through the skin by a low electrical current. This method can be used to drive a drug across the skin barrier.  Iontophoresis can also be used in the reverse direction to draw a molecule such as glucose through the skin.
  • TENS treatment: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low-voltage electrical current for pain relief.  TENS is done with a small, battery-powered machine about the size of a pocket radio. Usually, two electrodes (wires that conduct electrical current) are connected from the machine to the skin. The electrodes are often placed on the area of pain or at a pressure point, creating a circuit of electrical impulses that travels along nerve fibers.



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